Pollan Family's Butternut Squash Soup
february 12, 2015
Spicy Sweet Potato is our usual favorite orange soup, but this one is good, too. More gingery than spicy, but I have to say that sweet potatoes and butternut squash taste pretty similar when cooked in chicken broth with onion.
We like to serve either with a dollop of crème fraiche, and bread and cheese on the side. In this case we stirred in some of the sour cream our son made at Louella Hill's Cheesemaking for Kids class.
Our kids always eat the spicy sweet potato version (though it isn't really very spicy), but this one was a little less popular than usual.
On p. 168 of The Pollan Family Table: The Best Recipes and Kitchen Wisdom for Delicious, Healthy Family Meals.