Basic VinaigretteBasic Vinaigrette
august 5, 2015

A great recipe for quick salad dressing with herbs, a squeeze of lemon and a squeeze of honey, which is more than I usually give my dressing. Delicious over a salad of butter lettuce, chopped carrots, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

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SoHa Chicken Jollof RiceMarcus Samuelsson's SoHa Chicken Jollof Rice
march 21, 2015

This is a Senegalese dish that Marcus Samuelson likes to get in South Harlem. I was pretty excited to find a one pot meal recipe that calls for cabbage, and to see peanuts referred to as ground-nuts, since I've long wondered what ground-nut oil is. It often shows up in British cookbooks.

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Shredded Turkey Chili (with chicken)Marcus Samuelsson's Shredded Turkey Chili
march 17, 2015

Most of Marcus Samuelson's recipes are not particularly fast and easy, but this one is! I made it with leftover chicken from a day or two ago and beans cooked in the crockpot yesterday.

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Teriyaki Flank Steak SaladLisa Leake's Teriyaki Flank Steak Salad
february 3, 2015

I neglected to mention this yesterday, but after dropping last night's Teriyaki Salmon on the grill I re-used its marinade for tonight's flank steak. I just can't let a half cup of soy sauce go to waste. Even my son took note of its long pouring time during preparation.

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20150126-JalapenoEggsJalapeƱo Scrambled Eggs
january 25, 2015

JalapeƱos seem like the perfect foil to the richness of eggs and the Bacon Biscuits we served for brunch, and they are, as far as my tastebuds were concerned. But the recipe also calls for half and half, which makes this egg dish just about as rich and fatty as the bacon biscuits alongside.

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Phat Thai

Phat Thai
september 29, 2014

This is basically pad thai, but it is much more delicious than any version of that sticky, stinky, gooey dish served in American restaurants. Can you tell I don't like that one but love this one we made at home? There is no comparison.

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Asian Chicken SaladAsian Chicken Salad
september 10, 2014

Fast, delicious, healthy! My new favorite salad that uses up leftover chicken and cabbage, two things that tend to languish in our fridge. I ate this for two lunches and one dinner (just me, the kids had something else) while doing the 2014 Hunger Challenge, but I'll eat it any day!

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Summer FruitSummer Fruit
august 22, 2014

Summer in San Francisco doesn't come until very late August, at the earliest, when we're guaranteed to have the best fruit on earth filling our kitchen. And from now through the end of October it will be warm. Hot, even, if we get lucky.

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Fain-HomesickChicken Fajitas
may 25, 2014

I've used Lisa Fain's Homesick Texan recipe for steak fajitas, so thought I'd try the one she has for chicken in preparation for our Memorial Day camping trip. It's great that she disapproves of the idea of chicken fajitas, in part because the name doesn't make sense (kind of like fava hummus) and also because boneless, skinless chicken breast dries out easily and lacks flavor: I agree. 

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Pasta with Roasted VegetablesPasta with Roasted Vegetables
september 24, 2013

This is another dinner made with vegetables I roasted earlier this week using Tamar Adler's method. On Friday I loaded the oven with a tray of eggplant and peppers, a tray of acorn squash, a glass baking dish of cherry tomatoes and another glass dish of zucchini. Most of it turned out pretty well.

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Vegetables RoastingBulgar with Roasted Vegetables
september 16, 2013

The really special part of this is the yogurt sauce recipe that came in last week's newsletter. I tried out Tamar Adler's instructions for roasting cherry tomatoes, zucchini, turnips, eggplant and peppers last friday. They were pretty delicious just on their own or mixed into bulgar, but now we'll have them with sauce! 

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Buy the bookCorn and Poblano Pudding
september 14, 2013

We have more poblano peppers from the CSA box! And I suspect corn season is in full swing right now. On p.369 of 1997's The All New All Purpose Joy of Cooking. 

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